
I love the light in this picture of Maggie. It was about 8pm, I think. I wish I could say I planned it this way, but of all the pictures I took, only one had this great lighting. On my long list of wishes, being a better photographer is up near the top.

My coaster book class at Scrap Shack is tomorrow night. If you're local, I think there's still room left and you can give Heather a call to sign up.

Sam's class is going on a field trip to a greenhouse and the park today...dangerous territory, the greenhouse. I'll have to leave my Visa at home. :) I bought a few Himalayan blue poppies and a bleeding heart yesterday to add to the oasis perennial bed. The soil there is so full of clay it is literally sticky. I'd appreciate any advice on how to lighten it up a little, without compromising the plants. Since I had to sell my first born to pay for the plants, I'd sure hate to lose them. ;)

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